Top Elite Sire 2013, Gold Graded Stallion and HOYS New Forest Sire of the Year 2017 & 2022.
Magic leaves a wonderful legacy with 135 registered stock in the UK (between 1997 and 2023), plus progeny in France, Holland, Belgium, Sweden and Australia that includes:
Applewitch Avalon; Applewitch Magister (Breed Show Supreme); Applewitch Roan Fantasia; Aylestone Park Apple Blossom (Australia); Blakeswater Quantum Solace (Forest Run Stallion Champion); Forestway Bewitched (Australia); Habafield Rapunzel (Australia); Knavesash Spiritual (Holland); Knavesash Superstition (HOYS M&M Ridden qualifier 2024); Lovelyhill Folklore (HOYS M&M WHP Champion); Lovelyhill Magical Heights (France); Mallards Wood Flashlight (Sweden); Mallards Wood Highlight; Marleydenes Shiraz (HOYS M&M Ridden Champion); Pilleybailey Centurion (HOYS M&M WHP qualifier 2024); Vynnes Magical Edition (HOYS M&M Ridden Champion); Warren Trail Layer (winning point to point and racing pony).
Partnered with Suzanne Kempe in 1998, Magic jumped a double clear representing the NFPEC at the Area SJ Teams and was also Reserve Champion WHP at the Breed Show.

Applewitch Pure Magic S34/105 1992
(Peveril Peter Piper / Marydore Apple by Appledore Bart)
Owned & bred by Alan & Kay Bailey.