“Trenley Tamara has never been away from Ford Farm in her life, other than to run the forest in her latter years as a brood mare. This year she had an early foal by Mallards Wood Law & Order and the decision was made to take her to the NFPEC Show as an educational outing for the foal as much as anything. Lyndsey Hayter was roped in to leading her and Hannah Preddy, who like Tammy has never been to a show before, was charged with the foal! To her credit, Tammy seemed to thoroughly enjoy her day out, trotting round with her ears pricked throughout.
Tammy enjoyed an impressive tally of successes: In-Hand Novice Mare or Gelding; NPS In-Hand Mare 4yrs & Over; NF Adult In-Hand Championship; Owner Breeder In-Hand Championship, NF Overall In-Hand Championship; New Forest Supreme Championship and NPS Silver Medal Championship. Her performance culminated in her only defeat of the day, if you can call it such…in coming Reserve Supreme Champion of the Show!” Steph Davies

Trenley Tamara
M54/040 2012 (Brock Buckingham / Trenley Tarantella by Deeracres Picasso), owned & bred by James Young and Trudy Nineham.