The New Forest Pony Breeding & Cattle Society is the Breed Society and holders of the New Forest Pony Stud Book. We provide full passports for pure bred and part bred New Forest ponies and also offer our members basic equine passports for animals of unknown age & breeding.
Equine passports are only available from this society to people who are existing registered New Forest pony owners and / or existing members of the NFPB & CS.
The registrations committee and full council have reviewed the costs for registrations and managing this process and the fees for 2025 will be :
£18 for pure/part-bred foals, registered before 30th Sept 2025
£25 for pure/part-bred foals, registered 1st Oct to 30th Nov
£25 ID-only equine passports, before 30th Sept 2025
£30 ID-only equine passports, 1st Oct to 30th Nov
£25 Donkey passports
£10 Levy on paperwork needing to be returned for corrections.
Please can all PayPal payments be sent direct from Individual PayPal accounts to the Society at payments@newforestpony.com
Transfer of ownership: Please note: Under the Horse Passport (England) Regulations it is a legal requirement for a new owner to update the ownership details on the passport with the Passport Issuing Organisation that issued the passport within 30 days of purchasing the horse or pony. Failure to do so is an offence and you could be fined by Trading Standards.
Recording a formal Lease or Loan with the Society
The Society should be informed when a formal lease or loan for a registered or partbred New Forest Pony is made between parties by completing the ‘Certificate to cover Lease or Loan of a New Forest Pony’ form.
Once the completed form is lodged with the Society it will be recorded in the Studbook and enables the lessee to enter Society classes, competitions and if applicable, for breeding purposes etc, without needing a counter signature from the owner.
Note: This form is for the Society’s administrative use only in order to record leasing and loan agreements. It is not a legal document and cannot be relied upon in legal proceedings. It does not effect transfer of ownership of the pony, and does not constitute a lease or loan agreement itself, only the record of one being in place.
Copies of the form can be obtained from the office or download here

All foals should be registered with a full passport from this society by 30th November of the year of their birth.
Pure Bred New Forest Pony Stud Book – equine passport issued with registration
- Both parents must be fully registered in the New Forest Stud Book.
- The sire must have been fully licensed by the society.
- The pony must have been foal recorded if born on the open New forest in or after 1998
- The pony fully complies with the conditions of registration.
- See New Forest Pony Stud Book for full details.
First Cross New Forest Pony Register – equine passport issued with registration
- Minimum 50% New Forest pony
- Both parents to be pure bred and fully registered in the Stud Book of their respective breed, one parent to be New Forest.
Part Bred New Forest Pony Register – equine passport issued with registration
- Minimum 25% New Forest pony
- At least one grandparent must be fully registered in the New Forest Pony Stud Book, or a pure bred pony that does not comply with current conditions for registration.
Basic Equine Passports – equine passport for non New Forest horses or ponies
- For horses or ponies of unknown breeding and/or age.
- Available to members of the NFPB&CS who already hold passports issued by this society.