The Dovey sisters: Florence in the foreground, Erin & Polly
“Really well done to all our members who have been taking part in the Hacking Challenge. Children have been recording their kms ridden with the time they spend hacking and submitting via a simple Google form in exchange for chocolate and rosettes…along the way they need to hunt for natural “treasure” such as certain trees.
Very special commendations go to…Erin and Polly Dovey (Samsons Spy & Welsh B Woody) who each rode 160km, Florence Dovey (Highfox Hermione) 136km, Milly Stride (Hollybrooke Huckleberry) 100km and Ted Stride (Cuffnells Royal Fern) 80km…fantastic achievements in the current cold and wet weather!” Lyndsey Stride