“Never underestimate the versatility of a Forester…only a few weeks ago Frankie & Annie were competing in the Boxing Day point to point and last weekend they made the journey to Lincolnshire to compete in the Pony Club Spring Festival. Annie competed in the Open level dressage (equivalent to BD elementary/ medium) and although there was no podium finish, she did well…flying the NF and native pony flags against a number of fancy horses!” Vicki Kirkcaldy

Hollybrooke Annie II
M46/465 2004 (Burley Branston / Crabbswood Auntie by Monkshorn Minstrel).
Bred by John & Wendy Adams, owned by Vicki Kirkcaldy and competed by her daughter Frankie.

Frankie & Annie (centre Teal Blue No 4) finishing 4th in the 3 mile Novice Race.